
By airedaleknitter

Up north - again

We’ve been to see the parents today. An early start with a fabulous sunrise, and no need for windscreen wipers all the way there.

Mr H senior is home at the moment, with carers coming twice a day and district nurses 3 times a day. We spent time with them and delivered the homemade soup I created yesterday evening. Then went onto my dad’s where we cooked dinner for him and us. I sorted out more of the constant stream of paperwork that is coming his way in relation to mum, and then on our way home called into see mum. Don’t think she knew who were and she certainly wasn’t where she thought she was , but she seemed settled in her own alternative world .

We then headed home and believe me we used the windscreen wipers! Very blustery, lots of heavy rain and awful spray.

Pleased to be home. Blip is the plaque on the sea front recognising those caught up in the Gallipoli campaign, which includes Mrs H senior’s father.

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