Trees, wind, compost
I went over to Jack and Marianna's for a cup of tea and a catch-up this morning. Yesterday's gales had made some of the fence panels collapse in their garden. So Frieda and Simone and I spent a happy half hour or so together, while J and M did some remedial work. They'll need new fence posts, but they've stabilized things for now.
Later I finished off the photobook for Mariyah, Sayyam and Samina. After that, there was just enough light left for a bit of work in the garden. I dug the last few buckets of compost out of one of our three bins; the other two are full now, so it was becoming urgent to finish emptying this one. I had a couple of bags of swept-up leaves ready to go in, so all in all it was a satisfying job.
And I took a close look at the two olive trees we have in half-barrels in the back garden. They're doing OK, but really they need moving to a warmer spot; we could possibly move them into larger containers at the same time. A heavy job, we'll need help. They're lovely trees though.
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