
By SpeckledCoast

The Scotsman

The end of a long and hard day having worked 12 hours to help free up a couple of days holiday towards the end of the week. The evening was warm and inviting and so I didn't hurry to catch my train but rather enjoyed (as I always do) many of the Edinburgh landmarks as the start of the influx of this year's tourists seemed to be doing too.

This capture was taken from the top of Waverley Station looking back towards the Old Town with North Bridge on the left, linking the old and the new towns and the iconic Scotsman building which, when I arrived in Scotland nearly 20 years ago was very much the traditional newspaper building and still being used as such. The newspaper moved to brand spanking new and impressive premises some years ago and nowadays The Scotsman's old premises lend themselves to being a five star hotel known of course as The Scotsman Hotel.

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