Gweithred dda am y dydd

Gweithred dda am y dydd ~ A good deed for the day

“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities life will be violent and all will be lost.”
― Charlie Chaplin, (‘The Great Dictator’)

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Es i i'r pentref heddiw i fynd i'r siopa (i felly llun o'r eglwys wrth gwrs). Ar fy ffordd ffeindiais i waled ar y ddaear. Yn ffodus roedd trwydded yrru yn y waled gyda chyfeiriad y perchennog, seiclais i i'u tŷ. Doedd neb yna felly postiais i'r waled trwy'r drws. Yn gobeithio roedd y perchennog yn hapus i ffeindio'r waled ar eu mat. ... O bosib dipyn o ddirgelwch iddyn nhw hefyd

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I went to the village today to go shopping (so a picture of the church of course). On my way I found a wallet on the ground. Luckily there was a driving license in the wallet with the owner's address, I cycled to their house. There was no one there so I posted the wallet through the door. Hopefully the owner was happy to find the wallet on their mat. ... Possibly a bit of a mystery to them too

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Eglwys y Santes Fair (amlygiad dwbl)
Description (English): Saint Mary's church (double exposure)

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