Little Larry Academy

By emyjane2

Lullaby of Louie

Best viewed *larger*

I found him first having a sleep in the tree, well, he's a baby & babies sleep a lot. He didn't even awaken when I took his picture, the click sound is just not a problem. Although when he woke up he almost fell off his perch as he wasn't expecting me :) Once awake & stuffed with worms, he's going through his *shocked* period, where everything is entirely shocking - the camera click is normal - but the world around him is incredibly shocking... he keeps jumping at things, wide eyed, fluffed... he came down to have some worms from the jam jar lid which entirely shocked him... he had a worm & jumped literally 5 paces back at the shock that a worm, something to eat, can be in a jam jar lid... shocking he said, utterly shocking! ;)

Louie xxx's

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