
By tookie

Bah Humbug? / or Ho Ho Ho

This is a back blip to Friday and our annual tree hunting experience. We had managed in Seattle to have it go fairly smoothly knowing where to go. New to Portland we had to start all over and asking family out here was not great as they all do artificial trees. We finally ended up at a family farm that had wither u-cut or ore- cut ones. We got a nice wonky precut one but R wasn’t thrilled until I said smile lol.
I love a nice tree because it was my mom’s thing and I helped her each year. Looking at each ornament brings up many memories as does a nicely decorated tree and lights. We still use some bubble lights as well as frosted snow ball ones like my folks did.
Happy Holidays! These times can be such a mix of emotions — jolly and happy….bittersweet and sad ….hoping endlessly for a complete cease fire and the elusive dreams of peace for all.

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