A new friend

In to town for a hair appointment which was desperately needed. Changing hairdressers when you have one that is doing an excellent job is difficult, but it’s too far to go back to Lincoln so not feasible. My new hairdresser managed to keep the style for a couple of trims, but my hair has a mind of his own and has gone wild. So back to basics and a real good cutting. A picture was taken of the back for future reference. I’m pleased with the results.

On the way into town we dropped off my little black car, with Staffordshire pink clay trim, at the car hand wash place. When we went back to collect it I met their resident cat. I asked if I could stroke it and say hello. It was very sociable. 

I was amazed at how cheap the job was and how squeaky clean the car is now. I will certainly go back and try to keep the car in a cleaner  state. 

R was due into Heathrow about 7.30am but there was a 5hr delay and it was 3.30pm before she got home. It has been really hard work this trip.

I was beginning to develop a sore throat by evening, not good news. 

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