I'm starting to work on the programme for my choir's concert in early January. Usually the pieces we perform in a concert are all from roughly the same period and I can convey that in a period image or in typography. Sometimes there is a theme and on three previous occasions blippers have very generously allowed me to use their images. This time what holds the eclectic pieces together is the brass instrumentation. I could find no appropriate copyright-free images but I suddenly remembered the extraordinary Cornelia Parker exhibition I went to at Tate Britain where she exhibited brass instruments crushed in Tower Bridge's mechanism. My photos are not copyright and thanks to blip tags I could easily find when I'd taken them.
This is an early draft of the programme front cover. I'm not happy with the typography yet. Comments and critique very welcome. If you think you have a better image please tell me - many cooks improve the broth.
Intermediate image in extras.
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