Organised chaos!

Branches everywhere,
is it up or down? Who knows!
Tangled but charming!

This was a quick snap looking up to the sky near the brook today when I was walking Leo, the weather was a bit stark and I couldn't see anything else interesting.  At home I've had a bit of an edit and flipped it upside down and added the mono feature.  I thought it looked Busy but Fun.
It's been a good day, although it started with Ben not sleeping very well last night, so we're a bit tired.  
I am struggling to get his ADHD medication due to national shortages so I spent the morning calling all the pharmacies I could think of to see if they had any on the shelves, I have had minor success by finding small amounts in multiple different pharmacies but now I need CAMHS to write a range of prescriptions that I can take to different places for only a partial month.  It's chaos, aggravated by CAMHS being on an away day today with no duty doctor for prescriptions, so I've had to get the pharmacies to hold the meds as a goodwill gesture and I'll chase up CAMHS on Monday.  
Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I snuck out for lunch at 12:30 which was lovely but then there was click and collect shopping to fetch and Ben to retrieve from school. Staff gave me the look that says 'Bad Day' but they've not emailed me so I'm deciding I don't need to worry.
We had to rush back from school as we were meeting two more carers who will be on his 'after school' detail when things get started.  That was another example of chaos, we all arrived at home at the same time so I was doing introductions, emptying school bags and unpacking shopping in one go.  Ben was on fairly good form making jokes and showing all his diabetes kit but then he wandered off across the kitchen just chatting away to himself at the top of his voice, playing out a conversation with a favourite TV character.  He keeps us on our toes.
Made a tuna pasta bake, organised the chaos (a little) and now it's nearly bedtime :-) Time for a glass of wine!

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