Blue Tit
It's been a fairly useful sort of a day, if not terribly exciting. I've put the feeders back up in the garden, but the local birdlife doesn't seem to have discovered them as yet. They were taken down a while ago as we were due to have various tree works carried out. But as a succession of tree surgeons have failed to turn up when due, quoting an increasingly unlikely list of excuses, we're not now due to have the annual trimming done until sometime in the New Year.
The feeders being out of use did give me the chance to give them a really thorough deep clean though, which is obviously more important than ever just at the moment. I read this morning that there's signs that avian flu is now in the antarctic and I suspect that there's likely to be a series of catastrophic events for species like penguins. I really hope not, but it is not looking promising.
On a lighter note I've managed to bestir myself to get a Christmas tree before the weekend rush, and while it was still dry. It is due to be wet and windy again tomorrow, so getting the tree while it wasn't raining was a smart move I felt, as I was otherwise going to have to transport a soggy fir tree in the car.
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