Surprise, Surprise

This is Lacy the newest member of my family. Libby has been such a sweet cat and a joy I thought she might enjoy having a sister and playmate. I have been thinking about this for sometime now. It's a big deal for me and I wanted just the right cat. I also didn't want to do anything that would hurt my loving relationship with Libby. A friend of mine said I think I might have just the cat you're looking for. I said really. She said I have this one year old female cat that just as sweet and loving as can be. She's very small and oh by the way she has thumbs and a bob tail. Really. What are thumbs on a cats paws anyway? I had never heard of that before. Anyway my friend brought her by yesterday and left her here all day. I fell in love with her at once. She is just as sweet and loving as described. Those paws are beyond cute and that tail, very cute too. So I got her permanently today. Libby pretty much ignores her and vise versa right now. This should be interesting to say the least. Hope Lacy sleeps at night. She napped all day yesterday when she was here. Now I am sure if you follow my journal you will see Lacy looks almost exactly like Libby only much smaller. You might actually think she would be Libby's baby girl, but no, they just look so much alike. Kind of funny how that turned out. More Lucy blips coming in the future you can be sure. Hope to get some of Libby and Lucy together soon.
See my first Photo Album

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