Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Monday — Unexpected Ordeal

We are in the SoCal to enjoy a Christmas party (last Saturday) and so that Mr. Fun can have lab work completed and a visit with his Cardiologist and then his Nephrologist.

He has lost 40 lbs since October 13th!!! Hooray!!! Hooray!!! The conversation this morning with his cardiologist was encouraging. She looks to be about 12 years old.

The report from his prostate cancer physician is that there is no trace of cancer. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers for us, and we do mean us.

I made a first visit to Physical Therapy early this afternoon to learn how to reduce the increasing pain in my left shoulder. They thought maybe I should stop carrying Mr. Fun up the stairs. I’m joking.

While I was learning to do the first set of exercises, I looked at Mr. Fun and at the therapist and politely said, “I’m fainting.” They neither one believed me. Moments later I was out cold, comatose for “at least 30 seconds,” Mr. Fun said.

I’ve always said I’m allergic to exercise. Well that little episode won me a ride in an ambulance to the ER, two EKGs, an IV needle in my wrist, and several donations of blood. Several hours later they released me and made me promise I would not do more exercises. Not really.

They did tell me I did not have a heart attack. I knew that. The past few months I’ve lost weight (the new wrinkles in my face and baggy clothes are proof); this morning I did not eat right, and well, I blacked out.

We are looking forward to Christmas on the Coast, Christmas in Cayucos, and Christ being magnified in our lives.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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