By lizzie_birkett

Christmas Shopping

I was in town most of the day. I didn’t really need to be but I quite enjoyed just having a wander even though it was a bit drizzly and damp.
I went for a coffee and a raspberry croissant before shopping as I felt a bit light headed. When I was walking down the High St, a lady with a Northern Irish accent stopped me to ask where I got my Neoprene Wellies from. 
I couldn’t remember but we got chatting anyway and she was ever so nice.
I told her my stepson lived in Co Antrim with his family and she told me she and her hubby had lived in Wellington NZ for 10 years so I told her my son-in-law was from Wellington. Isn’t it funny how you meet someone and just click.
When I went for my Specsavers appointment later she was in there too!
We didn’t have time to chat then but we laughed. I think we’ll definitely bump into each other again in Skipton, her name is Carmel, just so I can remember. 
Then I bumped into Audrey from our art group and she said she was volunteering at the Mill Bridge Gallery for the day and I should go along to see the exhibition, so I did later on after I’d had some lunch. I had never been there before, it’s a tiny place but had some lovely art work. The Artist in residence for December is called Peter Wilkin - a mixed media artist.


I loved his work. Some of it was Cyanotopes which he did explain to me but I can’t explain to you so you’ll have to look it up!
I think Blippers - greengirl and loulou164 will know as will some of my other artist Blip friends.

I bought the little bauble earrings for the girls and I’ll send them tomorrow so they can wear them in the run up to Christmas. Wee Lucy has been keeping her long hair over her ears in a pony tail - like a wee Victorian girl for the past month (extra) and when Sabrina asked her why she wouldn’t have a different style she got upset and said a girl at school said her ears were too big. They are absolutely not! She’s a very sensitive little thing. I thought the Christmas earrings might help.

It’s book and bedtime now and tomorrow we’re having an overnight visitor from Scotland. Our friend Martin a musician we used to play and sing a lot with. 

Goodnight Blippers :-)X

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