Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Wet, wet, wet!

What a day. It hadn't stopped raining I don't think and was dark before 3pm. I know because I looked at my watch specifically to check.
Our new car has a tow bar fitted and I had declared it as unmodified when I insured it. I had a bit of a panic, as Katy is borrowing it this weekend, that it might affect the insurance. My garage, at the other end of town, was very helpful. He assured me it would be easy to remove if we didn't want it (we don't really) but also that it might not be considered a modification insurance wise. I shot back across town afterwards to Ali's, to do my dog toiletting duties a little early as I was going out for lunch. He didn't even get a walk, just herded into the garden to perform.
Parking the car near a tram stop I then went into town. I realised I was going to be rather early so messaged my friend to say I would just go in and wait at the table as it was raining. I then got diverted into Hotel Chocolat, strange how that happens. I spent enough to get a free sleeve of my favourites and then set off for Cafe Andaluz .
I'd just got to the corner of George Street when Mike appeared from the opposite direction so that worked well. I'd asked for one of the booths at the front when I made the booking as the back can be rather congested and noisy especially now, as office lunch parties have started. My request turned out to be a bit of a mistake as whenever the restaurant door opened, there was a howling gale (well a wee draft but I'm susceptible). Still we had a good lunch, a great catch up and I had a captive audience for my holiday pictures. Mike and I met in 1989, just before Ali was born, through Cursillo. We have met more or less fortnightly ever since, with one or two others, as a sort of cell group. We know each other and our respective spouses very well. Mike and his wife were part of the group when I first went to India in 1997.
My Blip is one of the enormous plates on the wall behind where we were sitting, it was almost a metre in diameter.
Good to catch up.
When I got home I got back on the car business and phoned my insurers who in the end, didn't consider a tow bar a modification although several other companies do. So worry over.
I went down to Pets at Home, the company have charged the formulation of Pickle's cat food and it doesn't agree with her at all, so I went down to find a suitable alternative. She turned her nose up at first at what I had chosen, but ate it in the end and it seems to have stayed down, so that's good.
I fell asleep before dinner, I've not slept well the last couple of nights so it's obviously caught up with me.
Hopefully, but not realistically, today's cold wet rain will not last for too long .

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