A little brightness

A gloomy, wet day and windy too. So, a good day for getting our tree up and sorting Christmas stuff. We do this with more enthusiasm this year as hopefully we will have a family get together here this year during the festive season. For the last few years we have made the journey down south, but this year they have all decided they want to come here. We are also pleased that at the beginning of the year we made a huge effort to sort all the Christmas stuff that has accumulated over years and years. We passed on a lot and organised the rest - it made the task today so much easier. 

And right on time arrived this bauble - embroidered but not by me. 

When blast blipped the lovely heart she had embroidered and I followed the link to the website where kits were being sold in aid of charity, I thought I could do that. Sadly I forgot all about it and the time passed by. Later I thought at least I could buy one of the finished ones. So I went onto the site, chose one that I liked and bought it. It arrived yesterday and I really like it. It does feel strange though not knowing who actually made it. I think they have managed to sell almost all of them. 

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