Ubiquitous Buses

We popped out this morning to check the bus stop and time for the S2 service to Witney. Mrsfb is going to use it tomorrow as she has various beautifying appointments there. A bus actually arrived when we were looking at the timetable but I managed to wave it on as it was going to stop for us.

We then walked on to the town. I had planned to do an ICM of the Christmas tree for Abstract Thursday but I liked the view of these two parked buses. Looks much better viewed large.

What a lot of services we get now. We refer to them as ubiquitous as we always seem to see them when we are out on our walks. We really don't get that many though. I think mrsfb can use her pass tomorrow even though it is scheduled for 9:22, before the 9:30 window, as the S2 is on the rural exemption list. We shall find out. It will probably be late anyway.

We got 3/10 in the Historical Society Quiz last night. It would have been 4 but I changed my mind about my Humpty Dumpty answer, which it turned out was correct after all. We got the Queen's age wrong, but were only one year out. We got the question about Madonna's years as a performer right (40). The chairman wrote 'too many' as his answer.

In other news we're up to mouse #42 in the garage now. Dead again. I've ordered some 'normal' mouse traps now, as the humane ones I've been using are maybe not that humane at this time of year.

One year ago:
Wires In The Sky

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