Still Rockin'

By RockArea

Up She Goes!

"It's really going to happen then?" seems to be the most common comment as people arrived to start the preparations for the Village Festival. I went down to the village green bright and early to photograph the event.

The generator had already arrived and the site was being staked out for the marquees. Soon after, the trucks arrived to erect the main marquee and once they got started, our guys could start to erect the smaller marquees. It was good to see so many people turn out to assist and I was able to swan around with my 'official photographer' badge and avoid all the hard work. I think you have to detach yourself for this role, don't you?

I must say that I'm impressed by the size of the main marquee which is now having the stage, the lighting and the PA fitted. We'll be going down there to do a soundcheck tomorrow afternoon and I'm looking forward to seeing how it will look for our gig on Friday evening (and Saturday morning).

This is our guys erecting one of the four smaller marquees.

It is really going to happen!


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