Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ


I’ll come back to the books.

Will at the dentist today, he has weirdo teeth and as a result a “special” dentist for many years. Who has previously said “all fine and off you go” for the past few years. Today was a surprise to find out that she had retired and the new lady is a Lot More Thorough. And lovely. Will has received brushing advice, special toothpaste, a good teeth clean and general all round goodness. We both left quite happy.

And this evening was at Ella’s for her birthday evening. There will be more of that tomorrow. A fine catch up with my lovely friends, an Indian takeaway, 24 things for 24 planning and should cat and I join a choir? I took this picture for general discussion - in the last six months I have started and not finished all of these books, what should I do? I’m going to push on with most, including as one of my 24 things in. 24. Except I think for demon copperhead but let’s never say never.

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