Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


'Hold on, reverse, we've missed the moon'!

Up sharp to go shopping and try and not get it too busy. Got a bit delayed watching the planes and their trails passing the moon. It was a busy flight path. 

Got all the shops visited and things purchased without speaking to anyone. All the shops I went into had self serve checkouts . In one particular shop of the Not Just Any Food..... ' slogan I watched people of all ages struggle with the checkouts and the assistants running about. Surely just keep the checkouts, I feel for the older generation who like that shop but  be put off with this change.  I bought a pair of slippers but nowhere did it tell me I had to scan both slippers, so I had to wait for an assistant etc. I can't help but think they are going down the wrong road here. 

Anyway a few hours later I got home, boiled the kettle for the hot water bottles and hot orange and slumped on the sofa.  

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