Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

California at Grant

A postcard from the city today ;-) - although with no cable car in it - not strictly true, one, a speck in the distance on the right.  Part of my old California Street commute to/from the Financial District for many years.  The top of the Bay Bridge on the horizon as one looks down California toward Market St.

Spent the afternoon in Chinatown with our visitor, things looking in far (far!) better shape than when we last went through - which was when she was last visiting the Bay Area (2019) - and that was relief to see.  Very few tourists, unusual, but perhaps we were just lucky and too late in the day for the hordes.

A few extras:
Street corner series Montgomery at Sutter
Happy to see Patrick & Co. still in business, stationers seem to be dying breed - went in to see if they had some elusive toner cartridges (no, not the ones we're looking for)
A couple Chinatown scenes


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