A city of contrasts

I spent the morning at Fareshare, where, to be honest, we didn’t have much good food to send out this week. Plenty of root vegetables, some pasta, but no eggs, cheese, or other protein. We seem to be attracting more asylum seekers as volunteers. Three came this morning to work really hard as pickers. As they have under £7 per day to live on including food, bus fares, toiletries and clothing, getting some of the food us volunteers are allowed to take home has got to help
Then I cross the main road and enter this ridiculous cathedral to shopping. I say ridiculous partly because most shops are so expensive they exclude most Bristolians. And also because now nearly all the shops in the other shopping centre, which this one was built beside, are now boarded up. Apart from Poundland, Primark and a few like that. 
Also ridiculous because this week the Showcase de lux multi screen cinema  - located within this centre - closed down, because the landlords wanted more rent that the cinema could stretch to.  So now,  another huge, empty, previously very nice resource, useless and shut down:-(

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