Siesta time

This lamb was unaware of me passing by and blipping him. He was obviously needing his afternoon nap. I accidentally managed to catch a fly sitting on the wire, so you're getting two beasties for the price of one. The wire right across the middle spoils the picture - apologies for that. I wouldn't have minded if it had been barbed wire...

The concert last night was terrific! It was a practice run for the senior school choir who leave tomorrow for a tour to Lithuania. The programme consisted of music ranging from classical (Vivaldi's Gloria) to Hungarian and Scottish folk songs, modern compositions by Ola Gjeilo to jazz pieces like 'I Got Rhythm' and this one.

The sunset over Loch Lomond, as we rounded the corner at Queen's View on the way home, was so spectacular that we pulled into the car-park there and just sat and gazed in wonder for several minutes.

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