Blast from the past

An image from - I think - the early 2000s, to judge from some of the images of Ruth as a young teenager on the same film strip.  I used to pass the little Hendersons Relish factory on my walk to work each morning, the heady scent of vinegar and assorted spices wafting across the street.
I was pleased to find these negatives today, which I've digitised (although the processing probably still isn't as good as it could be). The Hendersons outfit moved out to a modern building on the edge of town some time ago. The building's fragile now, but it's being redeveloped by Sheffield University, preserving its outer appearance at least. I'm not sure what they're going to do with it. There was talk of it becoming a cafe, which would be fitting, but I don't know what the latest plans are.

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