An Off Duty Santa And The Love Bird

It was bitingly cold first thing this morning but the sun finally returned after making its absence felt over the last few days. Hurrah! So after I dropped my brother off at the station and returned home I got straight back out for an early morning run - I had to wrap up in several layers but it was worth it to be out in the fresh air in such sparkling light.
I had to venture back out later to get ingredients to make tonight's dinner but as it was such a lovely day I thought I would take a small detour into town and try my hand at another street shot. I'd not long started my walk along one of the main shopping streets when I caught site of the graffiti'd bird with the heart and the word love spray painted beneath it (not sure who Erin is though!) on a boarded up shopfront and couldn't believe my luck when what looked like a rather snazzily dressed off duty Santa walked into the frame. I just managed to get a couple of shots off before he strode away. 
The rest of the day was spent finishing my book, doing laundry and getting some dinner prep done until I had to head back out to collect my brother from the station. I was only five minutes away from the station when he rang to say his train had been diverted to Sevenaoks (15 miles away) due to a medical emergency on the train in front of his. All the passengers had been told they had to get off the train but with no information as to how they should continue their journeys. Needless to say my brother was not happy! Even less so when he found out the station is not in the centre of town and that there was nowhere nearby that was open (apart from a dodgy looking boozer) where he could at least sit and have a drink or a coffee.
Luckily the roads were quiet and I managed to get there to pick him up sooner than he expected and after a 30 mile round trip we still managed to get home in time to see Matty crowned the winner of Bake Off. We were so happy for him - he just seems like such a lovely guy!

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