
By Julesey

Before and after ....

Why Blip changes your life part 1
11 am Went into jungle garden to plant some lettuce seeds in container, walked past veg plot and noticed height of weeds, decided to move piece of old carpet a bit further down the plot and note 3 slow worms. Having moved carpet a small amount not to disturb slow worms notice millipede and small millipede, ants with eggs , spider with egg sac and wish I had a macro lens. See snail with nice shell on old door in garden. Moved door in front of the sage bush which is in flower and covered in bees. Took photos of snail with sage behind it and realise I need the screw on close up filter. Found that , took some more shots , noticed bees. Sat in sun taking pics of bees noticing the lovely smell of the sage. Bees....insects....remember cool mayfly shots seen on blip a few days ago and head to pond. See damselfly, it seems very still. Go back to house and change to 70-300 lens which has a macro function on it. Back to pond. Realise need tripod. Locate tripod and back outside . Kneel in wet grass with tripod small and fiddle about in live view focussing on Damselfly 'face' .
Back in house load photos onto computer EEEK!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!! Notice evil looking thing on other side of stump to damselfly and realise it is possibly the carapace that the Damselfly has just emerged from.
It is now 1pm and no lettuce planted - but what an interesting morning :-)

Get onto Blip to upload and note comment from Gladders re treating myself to a macro lens. He had a point.

It's not bad LARGE considering.

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