Getting out of your comfort zone

Photo: Stirling university loch- half frozen

Its Monday morning, raining, windy a dreich Scottish winter morning. Should I skip my swimming lesson?  So, tempting. Why not stay inside in the warmth after all I had a good excuse today. The temperature had only just started to climb above freezing and there is still black ice outside.
Then I remembered hearing somewhere of the importance of getting out of your comfort zone, how it is important for a variety of reasons. Reluctantly I climbed into my swimming gear and made my way to the Stirling university pool.
I reminded myself that some of the most surprising adventures in my life happened because I had stepped out of my comfort zone. 
Once in the water I was so glad I had not opted for the easy option. Oh yes, the aqua aerobics class were noticeably very disciplined today. They marched over in single file exactly two minutes before our class were due to get out. And their instructor already had their music pumping out loud. 
 We got out at precisely 1.30.

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