Sir Picanuper Troll

By SirPicanuper

That's me, over there.

Gleetings ! Gravesend calling, Gravesend calling !

Here is some History, it is quite old.

Soon after Sir Picanuper (and before, indeed, he was in fact ‘Sir’ Picanuper) did come to Gravesend and ascend to Kingness, Picanuper’s fame spread far and wide and many come to Gravesend, where it is known Trolls and Gonks and All Beings Of A Like Mind stand against Blue Meanies, here comes Ringo ! Picanuper Loves Everybody Unreservedly: so does Ringo !

One day, Picanuper is playing some game on Facebook and is knighted. But evil Goons rule Facebook and Sir Picanuper is expelled ! Oh, ow, hurtful ! No matter: while this calumny occurs, here come more Beatles, all of them, also more Ringoes ! Six, probably. Many, many Trolls.

Multiple Ringoes spread Peace & Love beautifully and there is happiness aplenty, it is all over the place ! Sir Picanuper makes Ringo a Sir ! Excellent ! Many moons pass: Mrs Ma’am does the same. Never mind ! We know Sir Ringo as Sir Sir Ringo, this is the logical thing to do.
Here is a picture of when Ringo (not yet Sir Sir or even Sir) spies himself walking down the other side of the road, just there. Fortunately, he was with Grandad Troll, an International Authority on Existential Crises and How To Cure Them; well, Bob’s Your Uncle. No problem ! Peace & Love abounds !

Walk Tall ! Act Naturally !

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