Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Bling a ding ding

Finished putting up the Crimbo deckies today guvnor, gor bless yer. Soon ‘ave the fat bloke cummin dahn the chimney, know what I mean. Nods as good as a wink to a red nose reindeer. 

Sorry slipped in to my south London dialect there. 

Getting really bad spasms of pain in my left side if I coughed or sneezed today. Enough to make me yell out a couple of times with the pain. Okay I admit the odd expletive may have escaped my lips as well. Balance of opinion is that it is muscular rather than a broken rib. Hope it mends quickly. 

Think my cold is more or less done with, just a bit of fatigue still. Seeing my old team for dinner tomorrow so need to be fit.

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