Sunday morning

Jack got his assignments wrapped up, and came over to pick up Marianna and the girls around late morning. By this time, Marianna and Frieda had already been out in the garden, building a snowman. F was fizzing with excitement at about 6.30 a.m., and took some persuading to have breakfast before dashing off outside into the fluffy snow. .  
I was relieved when Jack came over, as I have become very nervous about driving in snowy conditions. I used to enjoy the sense of dealing with it skillfully (insofar as I ever was skillful...). We now live on a steep hill;  skidding down it once in the car, totally out of control - but luckily unharmed - changed my views. 
Later, Josh dropped Eben off for a brief drum practice, while he (J) caught up with a few farm jobs.
And after that, it was a quiet wind-down and early bedtime. I'm reading Francis Spufford's novel 'Perpetual Light'. It's the first novel I've enjoyed in many months; his writing is so vivid, yet spare and unencumbered at the same time. His evocation of London, at different postwar time periods, is also wonderful. Thoroughly recommended.

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