
By Stuart9613

Going Up

Jobs on the nursery, errands to run and cars to fix along with fitting in some paperwork has been today.
Dads car hasn't been locking properly but a good dose of WD40 seems to have sorted things out.The weather hasn't been very good so just a few jobs done around the nursery.I have put off filling the irrigation system because another hard frost is forecast for Tuesday night.Looking around the nursery everything looks like it will stand a bit longer before it all needs a water.

Paperwork again today.Still need to finish the seed order for next year.It is taking longer than usual because the seed catalogues are not as detailed as they used to be, especially the Dutch ones.

A birthday tea with Becky this evening.She has been promoted even though she didn't want to be.

An overcast day.Milder with some light rain.

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