
By ayearinthelife


By mid-morning it was becoming obvious that my plan to just let all the snow melt away naturally was not going to work. Well, not if I wanted to go out before the weekend, anyway. Nothing for it but to give nature a hand and break out the snow shovel. It was cold and raining outside but I’d worked up a sweat, before I was even halfway up the drive. To avoid making a massive mound I dumped the shovelled snow in four separate piles, of which the one in the photo was the biggest. Going to take a while for them to melt away completely, but at least the drive and part of the road and pavement are now clear enough for me to back the car off.
Mind you, once I get the car off the drive, the roads out of the estate are still a bit treacherous so it’s “hooray” for Mrs C’s car having 4WD. We’ve managed to find enough food around the house to feed ourselves, so no actual need to go out shopping today. But we’ll definitely have to go out tomorrow, so I’m hoping the thaw continues overnight and the roads will be clear by morning.
For a day “trapped” in the house, it’s been surprisingly productive. Not just clearing the drive but also being able to get a couple of loads through the washing machine now the pipes have unfrozen. And with the freezer almost empty now, tomorrow could be a good day to defrost it. The odd bits of food that are left can just be shoved in one of the snow piles to keep them frozen whilst the freezer is defrosting!

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