Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Brunching Lorikeet

Last Tuesday, while down at the 'Rif, I was privileged to see a gorgeous rainbow lorikeet having brunch in a tree not more than a metre and a half from me. The only camera I had with me was my iPhone, and that just didn't cut it - which is why last tuesday's blip was not a rainbow lorikeet having brunch. That's why today, being as how I had to start my day in the 'Rif again, I took my Lumix, with telephoto attached. Of course the lorikeets decided they didn't want to play ball today, but I eventually found a couple that were a bit visible, and snapped away for a bit.

Here's the other of the best shots, and here's this one large.

So I'm rather a bit happy with those. 8)

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