
By Dominie

And now for something completely indifferent

The work of talented and experienced blippers who stalk birds or animals for hours to capture the perfect picture leaves me gasping in admiration. My tentative assault last week on a fairy wren emboldened me, and I resolved to do better in future and please my teachers. The news that Ma Barker was moving her pet shop from the outskirts of Batemans Bay to the town centre offered the opportunity I was looking for.

And so it was that this morning I rose before noon and stalked my way to the front door of the shop and to the wildlife within. Abandoning a plan to focus on the tropical fish tanks, and deciding the dogs, cats and guinea pigs were for lesser people, I worked my way slowly and silently through the aisles until I came to the birds. I almost lost my nerve when I found that, though most birds were in cages, Ma allows some trusties the freedom of flight. None seemed interested in leaving the food troughs and trying its luck in the world through the open door.

Oh, I know I have a way to go - but I had my blip: a young Lutino Yellow Ringneck Parrot. I think.

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