Branwell’s Mill Penzance

This is where we have been staying - Branwell’s Mill Penzance.
The internet  says it was originally a mill and corn store, it was only about fifty metres from the quay when built, and windjammers from as far afield as Russia brought cereals to the mill. They would have been happy with this cold weather. Later on, Alf Parker developed it into a department store and also made world class banjos in a small factory on the top floor. 
There is a literary connection allegedly.
The Branwells were cousins of the Brontes
Now it is a Premier Inn. There is a car park and a bus and rail station opposite 
 Inside it is very quiet due to the thick walls,
apart, that is, from the noise of the banjos tuning up at all hours of the day and night. We were on the top floor.
I love the boat motif. 
We went home via Newlyn and the lifeboat visitor centre (closed). There was a shop there called CODDIWOMPLE- meaning, ‘ To travel with great determination to a vague destination.’ Are you a coddiwompler? 
I think am a professional.

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