Winter Light.

A very confused day as The Boss packed his camera bag, put his boots on, put his jacket on and then departed without ME. The Bossess did her best to console me but she was not about to pack her camera bag ('Cos she doesn't have one) and put her boots or jacket on as it was a working Tuesday and on working Tuesdays the Bossess...errr..Works!
She explained that The Boss was giving R from British Colombia and the daughter of a blipper there, a cooks tour of the Matukituki Valley and was probably going walking where Dogs were not allowed to tread and anyway I would be a lot more comfortable on my big soft rug, so after carefully considering the options (none) I relented and gave up on the miserable s......and resolved that the next time he throws sticks for ME.....I will pause for 3 ms before chasing them. THAT will teach him....Right!

It appeared that they had a lovely day where the cloud lifted and all sorts of nice images presented themselves and I had a grrreat time too!!! No I will not discuss it but it was Fun Fun Fun....right...OK.......Humprff.

I must however bark loudly about what you wonderful lot did to "Reflecting" yesterday. That was very kind and The Boss was quite gobsmacked and is now considering a possible patent on his ripple making tool (solid state and made in New Zealand) if that was proved to be the source of such rewards. Thank you.

It was great to see the sun but The Boss's phone is forming frost around it's edges and I don't think this was because he accidently left it in the fridge while retrieving dark chocolate for purely medicinal reasons. AND to make matters even more alarming Civil Defence has issued warnings about making sure you have enough Dog Tucker for emergencies, 'Cos there may be one with the approaching storm front.

Oh and if you are named Sue, and live in BC, you have a daughter that you can be completely proud of. It was a total pleasure to show her all the reasons that she needs to come back here again at a later time.

Hi Ho Silver...Away...Opps mind the fence.

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