
By BoydMcAdam


The first Sunday of Advent. Our tree is up and almost decorated. The one in the church is already done. The photo is of the shadow it casts.

A cold grey and damp day. I managed to finish the marmalade potting up; spent an hour or so in the garden snipping pruned rose branches to get into the bin, and potting up amaryllis. Then back to church for an evening lecture by the Very Rev Professor David Fergusson on the Colours of God: celebrating creation. The lecture was in memory of the Very Rev Bill McDonald, a previous minister at our church of 34 years ( he married us) and at the start Alan Little of the BBC, his son in law p, spoke fondly of Bill.

As one would expect of the Reguis Professor of Divinity at Cambridge and Dean of the Chapel Royal in Scotland it was an academic and theological exposition on both creation in theology and the, to his mind, lesser focus we place on creation. Much room for thought and a replay of the lecture seems necessary!

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