Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Waxing Lyrical

This is entirely inappropriate for the Southern Hemisphere at present, but you northerners might appreciate it - one of my father's favourite sayings: -

Spring has come, de grass has riz,
I wonder where dem boidies is?
Dey say de boid is on de wing
But dats absoid, de wing is on de boid!

For those of you whose English doesn't include 'boid', it means 'bird', but is written the way a speaker would say it - similarly 'absoid' is 'absurd'.

The feathers of these dear wee waxeyes were glinting in the sunrise this morning, so I thought I'd try to capture them - on the wing, as it were. Dem boids were definitely on de wing! And I thought it was an excuse to wax lyrical :)

My knee? Have had such a good day! Went out for coffee (drove) with Jamazen, got a new WOF for the car and picked up stuff from the chemist. I feel like I've been let out of jail!

. . . . and to see a boidie on de wing . ..

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