Advent Sunday

I overslept this morning for the first time in months.  I think I only woke up once in the night which was great.

In church today a young girl lit the first Advent Candle.  This week the sermon subject was 'Hope'.  Lots to think about. 

I hope and pray for peace for all those who are suffering with illness, in war and so on.  

(Blipper Grace55 puts it into perspective.)

Charlie and I have been relaxing this afternoon.  I watched the Young Chorister of the Year on Songs of Praise.  Both the junior and the senior winners were the ones I preferred, so that’s good.  Afterwards I watched old ‘Call the Midwife’ on the drama channel.

I am not sure if the Strictly programme will be on this evening as they haven’t had the public vote, and its being carried over.

And painting practice continues...

Do any of my arty friends know what to use to stop the paper ripping when I remove masking tape or washi tape, as it happens with both?  Is there an alternate to make shapes eg Christmas tree painting? Thanks

Its been above freezing today, and I can't help but feel so sorry for all those struggling in the north.  Stay safe everyone!

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