
By BethAndCo

A chilled day at home

Had a nice chilled out day at home today, just the 2 of us, that consisted mainly of sleeps, feeds and lots of playing on the mat and practising rolling skills (with the aid of Mommy hehe).

Eva is reaching out for toys more and more now and able to hold them a lot better, and she's studying them more and putting them to her mouth more (today's pic is a good example).

Mike gave Eva her bath as usual while I got dinner done and got the cats sorted, but she was so so tired when she came downstairs that I left Mike and Jake having their dinner and went to try and settle her for the night. It was only about 7.45pm and she'd never been to bed so early, but by about 8.10pm she was in her bed all sleepy and it wasn't long before she was fast asleep, bless her. She was absolutely shattered!!

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