
By bananablip

A tough day

Not a very interesting picture but I do find blip a helpful way of processing / remembering and so it will serve a purpose.

Work is super busy at the moment and I’m finding it difficult to not become stressed, which is a state I’m not overly used to.

Just before our main staff gathering today I heard a frantic ringing of my doorbell. It was neighbour Huw, who thought he’d had a heart attack and needed taking to the hospital as the ambulance was going to take over half an hour (even though we can literally see the hospital from our houses). A nervy drive and he was soon checked in. I popped my car back home and by the time I got back to the hospital he’d been seen by the doctor and treatment was starting. I stayed with him for a bit but he insisted I go and wait outside for Hayley, his partner, so I could bring her straight to him. She arrived a little later and I headed home and into another meeting.

An update from Hayley in the evening with seemingly positive news but then the heartbreaking news the next day that Huw had passed away during the night.

Just utterly heartbreaking for lovely Hayley. I’ll so miss hearing them giggling together and chatting away in their singsong Welsh accents over the fence. Oh, Huw.

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