It was very cold all day, but yet again lots of lovely sunshine. So nice to still see lots of flowers in the courtyard- albeit in frozen soil! Went to my last upholstery class of the term- stitched an edge roll all around the back and added bridle ties to the back and seat ready for the second layer of coir. Left a bit early so had a quick lunch at home and then headed over to see c. Physios were with her when I arrived so had a cup of tea in the day room. Whilst she is definitely improving physically, she is emotionally very low , snd there were a lot of tears. She feels overwhelmed by it all and of course is expecting the worst all the time. I was able to sort out a few things she was stressing about and then the physio came by and had a quick word as he could see how upset she was . He put a much more positive slant on everything. Left her in a slightly more cheerful frame of mind after a couple of hours and set off home. A 50 minute journey took 3 hours. I was in a virtually stationary queue for ages snd then it suddenly cleared- no sign of any collision etc so no idea what happened. Got home to two very hungry and vociferous cats!

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