Frosty Morning. Snowy Day

More snow berries on today’s blip!  It was still minus 4 degrees when I left the house to take Mary to her work this morning and it took me ages to defrost the car.  After dropping Mary off, I took the jars of coffee and hot chocolate we have been collecting at the church for the Peebles Youth Trust Christmas parcels,  to Peebles Old Church.  I was pleased to get rid of them as I have been carrying them around in the back of my car for several weeks because the mice living in the vestry where we would normally keep them, chew anything they can get their little teeth into.  As I walked back to my car, I was tempted by the delights of Cocoa Black and ended up having hot chocolate in there before going home.  

After Mary’s work we both did a spot of Christmas shopping.  By the time we had finished, the roads were covered with snow.

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