Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Kompong Phluk

A temple-free day: instead, after more banana pancakes (they’re really very good) we took the tuk tuk out to Kompong Phluk – a town built on stilts over the waters of the Tonle Sap, stopping on the way at a rural market to admire the produce, catfish flapping away in their big plastic tubs. Oh, and we changed boats halfway through to be paddled around a submerged mangrove forest in a flat wooden dugout canoe powered by a small young lady in a big red hat. We stopped for lunch at a village restaurant and ate stir-fried chicken with hot basil and morning glory soup with freshwater fish. Later on we took a stroll into Siem Reap, visiting the Buddhist temples of Wat Bo and Wat Preah Prom Rath (okay, so not completely temple-free, then) and later still we went out for a very nice meal at a restaurant called Haven – spring rolls, lak luk and fish amok, banana tapioca and carrot cake (not the Singaporean variety) with passion fruit sorbet…*

*Don’t worry, I’m not actually planning on listing absolutely everything we had to eat – suffice to say we were very impressed by the food in Cambodia…

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