Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


This I believe is the Thanksgiving variety rather than Christmas, that is certainly when it is flowering.
One of the bonuses about having hidden away so much stuff to have the carpets cleaned is the surprise you get when you open a door and this has happened! I put it in the spare room before we went to Turkey last month and completely forgot about it . I opened the door tonight and found this, so it is now displayed far more prominently to show off its beauty.
I drove out to see blipper Nadinepierce this morning which gave me a chance for a drive in my new toy. Very nice it was too. Good to see her and the dogs. The house always smells exotic as she creates her delicious smelling potions. Today I bought a top up for my spiced orange diffuser while I was there. I've already got one but I've lost it somewhere in the chaos that I am currently living in!
Back home just after lunch and got on with some more car paper work. The new owners of the Golf Plus came to pick it up at tea time, so that is the end of a 15 year era. We are so pleased that they are excited about having the car, it makes such a difference - although logically I can't really see why.
Popped down to Katy's this evening to drop off a cottage pie. The girls had got the Christmas outfits box out of the garage and were having great fun trying on headbands and flashing necklaces. Katy says they have inherited my love of tatt, not surprising really, as I buy them some every year. That's what grandmas are for, I told her. She is just jealous really, although she did grab her sequinned robin jersey with delight when she thought I wasn't looking (I bought that too!).

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