Wintry Westray (Day 3123)

Up and out at stupid o'clock this morning to catch the ferry across to Westray.
The job for today was a call out to a boiler breakdown. I set about changing various parts, then found the boiler wouldn't start up. A bit of head scratching and I realised that a thermostat at the other end of the house was set to off, so the boiler was ignoring me and doing what the thermostat instructed. I did a couple of other things which involved shutting the boiler down completely, and when I tried to restart it, found it wouldn't play. I changed another sensor which had developed a fault, then realised that the thermostat had died. The customer has been using it as a switch to turn the heating on and off which is not what it was designed for and it has failed.
I came up with a work around until it can be changed by an electrician so at least the customer has heat, but it has been a fairly long frustrating day.
I am looking forward to being home with my beautiful wife.

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