Welcome to Tennessee!
Today we were driving down to Atlanta to spend Thanksgiving with Jen and Jason, and Laura. It was a predominantly grey day for our travels, with occasional drizzle/ light showers, but nothing significant. Being the day before the holiday we expected the roads to be busy, and it was fairly congested heading through Cincinnati and northern Kentucky, but after that it wasn’t bad until we got to Knoxville in Tennessee, when we ran into a bit more congestion. My blip was taken at the Tennessee Welcome Center, as the I-75 from Kentucky into Tennessee. We arrived at Jen and Jason’s about 7.30, but it was 9.30 before Jen returned from work - at least 30 - 45 minutes later than usual. Laura was flying in to Atlanta airport about midnight. Last year it was totally chaotic at the airport on Thanksgiving, not helped by the fact that we hadn’t met people from the airport before. Maybe partly because it was so late, this year didn’t seem quite so bad, though still extremely busy! By the time we got back, it was straight to bed for all of us!
Thankful tonight for safe traveling for us and Laura.
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