Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Your Tribe!

Today is my birthday. A day you blip folk know only too well is not my favourite of days. As the quote from one of my very favourite films/books, The Perks of Being a Wallflower says, "we accept the love we think we deserve". Therefore, I find it hard to accept the kindness and love behind the messages sent on such days...I desperately struggle with the idea that I am worthy of any such love. I guess it's true the level of love we accept from others is based on our own perception of our self worth. I'm getting there but I'd be lying to say I find it easy.

So my blip today is my lovely selection of cards, a text message I received this morning and a quote that I think is so poignant. I think age allows us to realise true connections are rare and beautiful finds that we should cherish. We need to treasure the people in our lives that appreciate us as we are.

As for today? It's been a run of the mill day at school, a traditional soaking on an evening stroll, and a pile of marking currently being worked through.

Oh I have to add, I got a shout out from Vernon Kay on Radio 2 this morning 14 minutes into the show. Mum sent a lovely message in! :-)

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