Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Traipse, traipse, traipse

First thing my two hour stint with Eamonn my computer expert teacher and my confessions of not having done a scrap of homework or revision and consequently forgot most of what he taught me in our first session. Luckily Eamonn is the sort of guy to make you feel good even if you've been bad.
Home to make Donald and me a rice dish lunch and then straight out to traipse here, there and everywhere for a pair of shoes for Donald to wear to a funeral we are to go to. Eventually we ended up at M & S, the perfect pair were tried on and approved by himself, pants and socks were also purchased (the socks a bonus because for some reason instead of being £16 for a pack they came up on the till as £2.99!).
Then home to make the tea and then empty out bags and bags of heavy pots from the car to my flat. These are all Donalds home made ones which were in his garden. Phew, it's done me in, how on earth does Pensioner do it, in full swing every day?

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