Carnations for This Lady

It was my birthday MOT  at the doctor’s today, not that I actually saw a doctor, only a practice nurse. The one I wanted to see was off sick so I saw the one I didn’t really want to see. She hasn’t had much interaction with me on previous MOT visits, so I don’t have the same rapport and to tell the truth I’m a little scared of her. Consequently, my BP shot up to start with although It did come down to an acceptable level later. 
Despite wearing the lightest clothes possible for a cold day in the forlorn hope of weighing less, when I stood on her scales she was obviously less than delighted with the reading. I didn’t look. She threatened me with incipient diabetes 2 if I didn’t mend my ways and stop eating cake and biscuits. How does she know? Who spilled the beans? She forgot to ask about chocolate. I told her I didn’t drink, managing to omit the bottle of apricot brandy and Bayley’s stashed in the cupboard and emptying fast. However, her blood letting was exemplary and she got her armful. I didn’t look.

When she had finished telling me the things I should eat and to watch portion sizes I was tempted to tell her I knew all of that and she was ‘teaching her granny to suck eggs’ and knowing and doing are very different concepts. Actually I don’t think I do eat cake and biscuits very often , but see nuts and chocolate? She may have a point there.

My blip is of flowers sent through the post from cycling friends in Croydon. Thank you Pete and Evelyn!

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