Customs house
This is what the web site says about it:
Once the home of the Australian Customs offices, Customs House Hotel is a heritage listed building, designed by James Barnet in 1877.
Operating as Customs House from 1877-1989. The building has housed several Government offices, with many still displayed on the honour boards in the Hotel’s entry ways. Having survived a roof fire & the 1989 Newcastle earthquake, the building was transformed in 1995 to the Hotel you see today.
On top of the clock tour is the time bomb which used to be dropped at 1 pm everyday for the ships to set their clocks. It was a bit wonky after the earthquake but doesn't move nowadays. It's a while since I have eaten or partied there (upstairs are function rooms) so I can't report on it's fair.
Thanks for hosting Carolina.
Maggy and I had a lovely visit at the aged care facility. There are big plans for our next visit. The lifestyle coordinator is planing Christmas photos and Maggy is going to feature.
Oh and I did go out again last night as the storm was passing (so as not to get wet) and one of the results is in the extra.
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